MS Stories: Irene Georgakopoulos' Journey with MS

Originally Published Jun 11, 2021

Personal Stories of Living with MS

Irene Georgakopoulos was diagnosed with MS in 2016. Her first symptoms were numbness in her left hand and left foot, which occurred in 2013. At the time, she didn't think much of it, but the symptoms persisted and eventually led to her diagnosis three years later.

As a co-founder of Physio Inq, Georgakopoulos understands the importance of staying active and engaged in life, especially for people with MS. "Exercise is important for everyone, but especially for people with MS," she told Natalie Martin for Greek City Times. "It helps with balance, strength, and mobility, and can also improve mood and overall quality of life."

In addition to Irenes' story, there are countless other personal stories from individuals living with MS. These stories help to illustrate the challenges and triumphs of living with the disease, and can provide hope and support for others who may be going through similar experiences.

Living a Normal Life with MS

Living with MS can be challenging, but many individuals with the disease are able to live normal, fulfilling lives. With proper management and support, it is possible to minimize the impact of MS on daily life.

For some people, the first symptoms of MS may be mild and come and go over time. For others, symptoms may be more severe and progress quickly. Common symptoms of MS include:

* Numbness or tingling in the limbs
* Weakness or fatigue
* Difficulty with balance or coordination
* Vision problems
* Cognitive difficulties
* Bowel or bladder dysfunction

If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to see a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis. A diagnosis of MS is typically made through a combination of medical history, physical exams, and diagnostic tests such as MRI scans or spinal taps.

Managing MS involves a multi-disciplinary approach, with a range of treatments and interventions available depending on individual needs and symptoms. Medications can help to manage symptoms and slow the progression of the disease, while therapies such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy can help to improve daily functioning.

For Irene, maintaining a positive outlook on life has been crucial to managing her symptoms. "Having MS can be challenging, but it's important to focus on the things you can do, rather than the things you can't," she says. "I try to stay active, eat a healthy diet, and practice mindfulness to stay positive and manage my symptoms."

Physio Inq Services for People Living with MS

Physio Inq, co-founded by Irene , offers a range of services to support people living with MS, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and exercise programs tailored to individual needs and abilities. Georgakopoulos believes that these services can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have been diagnosed with MS, as they can help to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Physiotherapy can help to improve strength, balance, and mobility, which can be particularly important for people with MS who may experience difficulties with these functions. Occupational therapy can address activities of daily living and workplace accommodations, while speech therapy can address communication difficulties that may arise from MS.

Exercise programs can also be tailored to individual needs and abilities, and may include activities such as yoga, Pilates, or strength training. Georgakopoulos notes that exercise has been shown to be particularly beneficial for people with MS, as it can improve mobility, reduce fatigue, and improve overall quality of life. Additionally, exercise can help to manage symptoms such as depression and anxiety, which can often accompany a diagnosis of MS.

At Physio Inq, the focus is on providing tailored programs that meet the unique needs of each individual with MS. This includes understanding the progression of the disease and the potential impact of MS on various functions, such as mobility, communication, and cognition. By taking a comprehensive and personalized approach, Physio Inq is able to provide the necessary support and resources for managing MS and improving quality of life for individuals and families affected by the disease.

For individuals living with MS, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can provide much-needed support and funding for managing the condition. Our article on maximizing NDIS plans with therapeutic supports offers insights and tips for individuals with MS and other disabilities who are looking to access NDIS funding. By understanding the types of supports and services available through the NDIS, individuals with MS can make informed decisions about how to best manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Raising Awareness about MS

Raising awareness about MS is important to reduce stigma and increase understanding of the condition. MS Australia  is one organization that is working to raise awareness and support research for MS.

By sharing MS stories like Irene Georgakopoulos', we can help to raise awareness and understanding of the condition. Irene hopes that by sharing her story, she can provide inspiration and support to others who may be going through similar experiences.

"Living with MS can be challenging, but it's important to stay positive and focused on the things you can do, rather than the things you can't," she says. "With the right support and management, it is possible to live a fulfilling life with MS."


Living with MS can be challenging, but with the right support and management, it is possible to maintain a fulfilling life. Whether it's through exercise, therapy, or medication, there are many ways to manage symptoms and improve quality of life for people with MS. Sharing personal stories like Irene Georgakopoulos' can also help to raise awareness and reduce stigma surrounding the condition, while also providing inspiration and support for others.

Physio Inq, co-founded by Irene Georgakopoulos, offers a range of allied health services to support people with MS, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and exercise programs tailored to individual needs and abilities. These services are designed to help individuals with MS manage their symptoms, improve their mobility and physical function, and achieve their goals for a fulfilling life.

If you or a loved one is living with MS, consider reaching out to Physio Inq to schedule an appointment, make a referral, or learn more about the services available. With personalized care and tailored treatment plans, Physio Inq can help individuals with MS live their best lives. Contact us today to learn more on 1300 731 733.

Click to watch the full interview with Irene 


Physio Inq Written on behalf of Physio Inq


The information provided on this blog is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog.

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