Did you know that you can receive hospital in the home services instead of sitting in a hospital bed for weeks after an injury or illness? While it’s not always possible for every type of condition, many people will be eligible for hospital in home services for their safety, comfort and convenience.
Let’s learn more about what is hospital in the home, how it benefits patients and what hospital in home services we offer at Physio Inq.
What is hospital in the home?
Hospital in the home (HITH) allows you to have the same level of professional and personalised service that’s available in the hospital setting within the comfort and convenience of your own home.
If you’re eligible for a hospital in home program, you’ll be offered a unique, individualised healthcare plan developed by your highly qualified healthcare team which is then administered using top-tier equipment (if necessary) in your home.
When you’re receiving what is hospital in the home treatments, you’ll generally receive a visit from your healthcare provider at least once daily, if not more. Similar to how nurses and doctors will do their rounds and check in on you during a hospital stay, the same thing occurs except your healthcare providers come to your home to do the check-ins.
In short, HITH is a way for patients to receive the same type of treatment they might otherwise receive in the hospital setting but without the requirement of actually being in the hospital.
HITH care offers a variety of benefits for both patients and healthcare providers. Similar to our mobile physiotherapy services which allow us to offer allied healthcare options to your home or workplace, HITH offers hospital-grade care to patients who need it but don’t necessarily need to be in hospital.
What conditions might you be treated for hospital in home?
Hospital in the home services often include:
- Intravenous therapy for the administration of antibiotics
- Anticoagulation
- Wound care
- Chemotherapy
- COVID treatment and intensive treatment for other illnesses
- Post-operative care and rehabilitation
However, there is an endless list of potential care you can receive as part of your HITH treatment.
For example, at Physio Inq, we offer hospital in the home physiotherapy care for those who require physical rehabilitation after an illness or an injury. In particular, our HITH services provide care for those dealing with:
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Complex injury rehabilitation
- Neurological injuries and traumatic brain injuries
Of course, we’ll also continue to offer our mobile & in home physiotherapy services that include services for Paediatrics, NDIS, Aged Care, Stroke Rehab, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Women's Health, Neuro, & Telehealth (online). Services like these on their own merit don’t need the specialised care of a hospital in home setting.
However, since we’re experienced in offering our expertise in patients homes and outside the clinic, we’re uniquely positioned to also offer high-quality HITH services as well.
Who is eligible for hospital in the home services?
Knowing whether you’re eligible for hospital in the home is based on your healthcare needs as well as the availability of funding from your healthcare provider. Since hospital in home is a needs-based program, unfortunately, not everyone will be eligible.
However, if you’re dealing with medical issues such as respiratory conditions, skin conditions, infections or complex wounds, you could be eligible for this service.
Keep in mind that post-op care and rehabilitation care from a physiotherapist may also be available as HITH services.
You can enquire about HITH services prior to surgery or once you’re admitted to the hospital. In general, if you’d like to take part in HITH services, you must be:
- Assessed as being clinically stable
- Appropriately supported in the home; for example, by a carer or other appropriate person
- Living in a suitable environment that’s within certain geographic boundaries
- Have access to a telephone
- Willing to be treated through HITH
Once you’ve been deemed eligible, the appropriate arrangements will be made.
To learn whether or not you’re eligible for a hospital in the home, please contact your doctor or relevant healthcare provider.
What are the benefits of home health care?
The main benefits of home health care include:
- Safety from contracting a contagious illness within the hospital setting
- Comfort and convenience for the patient
- Active care with easy transfers to hospital if needed
Let’s explore these benefits of a hospital in home program in more detail below.
Safety from Contagious Illness
With the global pandemic still looming largely on everyone’s minds, it makes sense that those who need hospital-level care may still feel uncomfortable with long hospital stays. After all, it’s still incredibly difficult to contain contagious illnesses if people are being treated for those illnesses in the same vicinity.
So, by taking part in HITH services, you can get the care you need while isolating yourself from any additional risk of catching a contagious illness, especially if you’re in a state where your immune system isn’t at its best such as after surgery or while dealing with an injury.
Comfort and Convenience
Another benefit of HITH is comfort and convenience. And while it’s easy to overlook these perks, they’re certainly not to be taken lightly.
First of all, comfort can aid in healing. Resting and recovering in your own bed with all your normal comforts can help set your mind at ease and means you may be able to heal faster than if you were in hospital.
Additionally, convenience for the patient can make the entire process of receiving hospital-level care simple, easy and stress-free. It’s also much easier for friends and family to visit someone in their home versus in the hospital.
And while it requires a bit of organisation on the part of the hospital, it opens up hospital beds for those who are in more dire need.
While, sometimes, the round the clock care offered in a hospital simply cannot be replaced, if it can be avoided, HITH care that’s comfortable and convenient can make a world of difference to the patient’s overall well-being.
Easy Transfers to Hospital
In cases where patients might be uncomfortable actually leaving the hospital to undergo hospital in the home care, bear in mind that HITH check-ins are offered at least daily, sometimes more, and you’ll have access to immediate hospital transfers if you should need it.
In other words, HITH is the best of both worlds for those who need hospital-grade care like chemotherapy and accident rehabilitation but would like to do so in the safety and comfort of their homes. Still, if anything were to go wrong, you’ll be transferred to hospital in a flash.
Hospital in the Home FAQs
How much does Hospital in the Home cost?
For HITH services, the cost depends on the services you’ll receive, similar to how you’d pay for any healthcare service – either receiving a Medicare rebate or funding your visits through private healthcare funds.
For example, if your private health program covers physiotherapy, then your hospital in home program for physiotherapy should be covered. Additionally, if you’re dealing with something like a broken bone or chemotherapy, it often won’t mattter whether you’re being treated in hospital, in home or in a clinic. Generally, the cost will be the same for that service.
Speak to your healthcare provider for more details on the cost of HITH services.
Can I be alone at home and receive HITH care?
Yes, you can live alone and still receive hospital in home program. Your specific requirements will be laid out when your personalised health care plan is created.
However, having a carer at home with you can be beneficial. Yet, this doesn’t have to be a professional carer. It can be a friend, relative, partner or a rotation of people staying with you while you receive hospital in the home care.
What do I need to participate in HITH?
To participate in HITH care, you need to be eligible. This means you must be:
- Assessed as being clinically stable
- Appropriately supported in the home; for example, by a carer or other appropriate person
- Living in a suitable environment that’s within certain geographic boundaries
- Have access to a telephone
- Willing to be treated through HITH
If your condition qualifies for hospital in the home services, you’ll receive the same level of care as you would in hospital but in the comfort of your own home.
Why would I opt for HITH services?
The main reasons people choose to undergo hospital in the home services is to remain safe from any contagious illnesses that might be present in the hospital setting, to enjoy the comfort and convenience of receiving care at home and having the peace of mind that hospital transfers are simple and easy when receiving HITH services, should anything go wrong.
Especially for healthcare that is traditionally provided in hospital but is not always necessary to be provided in hospital – such as intravaneous medication administration, chemotherapy, rehabilitation and physiotherapy – hospital in the home is often the perfect middle ground.
What Hospital in the Home services does Physio Inq offer?
Physio Inq offers physiotherapy hospital in the home services. Many might not know that, often, patients undergo a variety of forms of physiotherapy in hospital after things like a stroke or a major injury.
Physiotherapy can be hugely effective for many kinds of rehabilitation, especially if performed shortly after an injury or episode which is why in-hospital physiotherapy is so common.
However, if you prefer to see a physiotherapist as part of our hospital in the home program, we’re proud to offer this service through Physio Inq.
Learn more about our Physio Inq Hospital in the Home services today by clicking HERE.
Date Published: Monday, July 25, 2022
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